Lunch At The Napoleon House – Fiction

Another installment of Friday Fictioneers  hosted by Rochelle.  100 words or so based on the image below.

So here’s some more of that Sissy and Buck thang 😉

bottles-marie-gail-stratfordLunch At The Napoleon House

Sissy and her Aunt Tina were lunching at the Napoleon House Bar.  The New Orleans humidity and heat were creating a steamy atmosphere,  and early  afternoon was dying  for a cooling rain.

“So I’m leaving tomorrow for the Norway farm.” Sissy took a sip of her Brandy Alexander. “These are just the best!”

“I suppose they would be at 1PM on a Tuesday.” Tina rolled her eyes.  “Isn’t Buck getting discharged next week from – you know…”

“The crazy house?  Yes. Next Wednesday.”

“Oh Sissy!” Tina did another eye thing. “I didn’t know Buck farmed.”

“He doesn’t.”


PHOTO PROMPT Copyright – Marie Gail Stratford

13 thoughts on “Lunch At The Napoleon House – Fiction

  1. We visited New Orleans a couple years before Katrina. Enjoyed the cool rains in the afternoon, but hated the stifling humidity afterward. You did a great job with the dialogue and “eye things” I could just see these two southern gals.


    • Hi Russell 🙂 I don’t know how I’ve managed to miss some of these comments.
      Oh yes! The sauna after the rain. I lived there 50 years and remember that soooo clearly. Of course, now that I’m living in California I miss that sauna feeling. I’m glad you liked this piece…


  2. Hello, Ellespeth! It’s been too long since I’ve visited your blog. What a funny story this was 🙂 I love the eye rolls and the simple but effective way Sissy makes it known that she will be leaving without Buck. And you have other Sissy and Buck stories? I must explore … 😉


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