
Sometimes I like something spontaneous.  If you knew me, you’d know how unusual those sometimes are.  Spontaneous is joy to me and this flash mob video expresses such joy to me.  I’ve posted this before but I wanted to watch again today and share it again.  I think this is a beautiful moment in time.  Seemingly spontaneous to the casual observer.  Just turn up the speakers and dance and sing like crazy.



8 thoughts on “Spontaneous!

  1. This is AWESOME! So awesome that it made me cry! 😀 (I’m a cry baby, I know..haha! ) The power of unity! I know it’s an ad, but seeing so many people so spontaneous, it just touched my heart! I love it! And it brought me back to the Sound of Music! Thank you so much for sharing, Ellespeth. 🙂 ❤ ❤ ❤

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