Aspire To Love


Angel eyes angel eyes
The ways of the world are feeble
Don’t give up on simple people
Angle eyes stun those nights
The blues you can live without
It’s not what you song’s about
Angel eyes angel eyes
Tell me what would we’re doin’
Without the light from angel eyes

You can move the hearts of men
Just with a phrase you’re turning
Since hearts ever have been yearning
Bear with us bear so alone
Thin lines you’ve been living on
Are so close to the danger zone
Angel eyes angel eyes
Tell me what would we’re doin’
Without the light from angel eyes

Source: LyricFind

Songwriters: Rodney J. Crowell

Angel Eyes lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group, Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd.

The Pineapple Dilemma – A Poem

Santa Clara County, CA  (day 114 of mostly stay at home)

The Pineapple Dilemma

mysterious masked stranger
six feet ahead of me
in the grocery check out line
has those blue puppy dog eyes
some women
like me
could fall for
I’d start a conversation with him
except for the pineapple
flown  in from Hawaii
prominently displayed in his basket.
the perfect time
for a discussion on carbon footprints.
his girlfriend appears
saving me from yet another lock-down decision.


When I Talk About Home – A Poem

When I Talk About Home

I know

I can’t  describe
the way a 4PM rain smells
at 5PM
when it’s a steam bath
walking home.

Or explain
rushed to a stage 3 times
to throw my bandana
to Willie Nelson
and how normal that felt.

Or paint for you
fully enough
or write a poesy perfect enough
about how the swamp
from a plane high above
brings salty tears
to the memories in my heart.

I know.


Things We Think Don’t Need Anymore

Since my internet (computer sorta) strike began – blame Stable Genius Trump news – I’m using these reference books again.  And my old manual typewriter.  And handwritten notebooks.   And layers of Post-It Note corrections.  I feel 20 years younger!

Things We Don’t Need Anymore

Don’t know how long my internet strike will last.  I’m giving myself 5 minutes a day. LOL.  I am on Second Life (a virtual world) , though. I look 40 years younger there!  Let me know if you’d like to meet up there and I’ll try to figure out how we can do that.



When You’re Not Edna St. Vincent Millay

I’ve been at a loss for words the past two years. Besides my anger over still recovering from breaking my body tripping over a Lego, I’m angry and fearful over my government. The government that holds my country together. That complicated and beautiful woven tapestry of words and beliefs and hopes called our Constitution.

Sometimes you try cheering me up. But nothing cheers me up. I feel really devastated . I’m not a party person. I’m the best person for the job sort of person.

I’m just so pissed off. So pissed off. Do men cry when they are pissed off? Women do. I’m just so pissed off and scared. I really don’t handle not knowing very well.

So, I’m hoping that this will all be over by Monday and that impeachment hearings will begin  and life can continue as it was two years ago.   Sometimes magical thinking s a good thing.  Was life really better two years ago?  Really, I don’t remember.  It felt better.


I Should Have Been A Country Song Writer

I spend a great deal of my time rooted in imaginings of past present moments. When I decide to put my work up on WordPress, I search the web for images that say something – I think anyway 😛 – about the poem/sometimes story.

Sometimes, I do flash fiction here on WordPress. Look at a photograph and write something about it in 100 words or less. I don’t do very well with those. I actually have a love/hate relationship with those.  Like doing a book report.

Then sometimes, like today, I walk by our kitchen table and see these tulips y,ou gave me yesterday, so beautifully wilted.  The present moment.  I take this picture thinking I could and will write a million words about these tulips one day. But they won’t be about tulips.

I’m making a healthy version of smothered round steak with onions and some kind of fancy frozen West Coast mushrooms that are way cheap frozen, and all the lettuce we didn’t use last week  – yum. What can I say? I’m a transplanted Southerner living in Silicon Valley. It’s Easter Sunday. Lent is OVER. Pig out marginally.

I should have been a country song writer. Those are really wonderful stories.