Free Association’s Path – A Poem

We do not need a president ripping open already raw healing wounds and leading us to one side or the other. Well I don’t know about you but I sure as hell don’t need it.

Right now
I just want a Sugar Daddy
to tell me

there, there Baby
everything’s gonna be alright

and I wanna be lost
in some space and time
where I still believed
that could ever be true.


When Selfies Were Rocket Science

We are working on our photo album.  This one, of my husband and his big brother, should win a prize.

Circa 1950:  How To Take A Selfie

1) Wait for Mom to go to the grocery
2) Have brother help you take down the bathroom medicine cabinet mirror
3) Bring that down to the back yard and prop it up
4) Get the camera
5) Lay on the ground. Face the mirror. Take your picture.


I Should Have Been A Country Song Writer

I spend a great deal of my time rooted in imaginings of past present moments. When I decide to put my work up on WordPress, I search the web for images that say something – I think anyway 😛 – about the poem/sometimes story.

Sometimes, I do flash fiction here on WordPress. Look at a photograph and write something about it in 100 words or less. I don’t do very well with those. I actually have a love/hate relationship with those.  Like doing a book report.

Then sometimes, like today, I walk by our kitchen table and see these tulips y,ou gave me yesterday, so beautifully wilted.  The present moment.  I take this picture thinking I could and will write a million words about these tulips one day. But they won’t be about tulips.

I’m making a healthy version of smothered round steak with onions and some kind of fancy frozen West Coast mushrooms that are way cheap frozen, and all the lettuce we didn’t use last week  – yum. What can I say? I’m a transplanted Southerner living in Silicon Valley. It’s Easter Sunday. Lent is OVER. Pig out marginally.

I should have been a country song writer. Those are really wonderful stories.


Morning Dew Long Ago – Flash Fiction

Time again for Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers.   Thank you, PJ, for sponsoring this and for all of your hard work on our behalf.  Please follow lil froggy for more stories.

This week’s photo prompt is provided by Yinglan. Thank you Yinglan!

Morning Dew Long Ago

That day,  on the way to school, my brothers and I walked into some police fencing. I told them it was just a simple fence, but they insisted it was some sort of police fencing. So, I climbed the chain linked fence. Just beyond where I landed were streamers of what looked like toilet paper. They were wet and heavy from the morning dew.

“Someone finally wrapped ole man Johnson’s yard!” I called out. It did look like that to me.

My voice giggled and caught on the wind and landed in my brother, Evan’s, ear. “You come back here right now, Heather,” Evan yelled.

“You come back here right now, Heather. Do ya hear me tellin’ you?” Evan shouted again.

I did hear him but someone had taped my mouth shut and I couldn’t reply.


So Speaks The Greater Santa – Flash Fiction

Time again for Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers.   Thank you, PJ, for sponsoring this and for all of your hard work on our behalf.  Please follow lil froggy for more stories.

This week’s photo prompt is provided by Akshata Ram. Thank you Akshata!

Happy every sort of everything to everyone ♥

So Speaks The Greater Santa

Greater Santa: What do you mean you cannot see the very way I am greater than you?

Lesser Santa: You are flat. One sided. I am of all  dimensions. Plump. Filled with promise.

Rudolph: If I may interfere here…I am the light that leads you both.

Greater Santa: Oh jelly beans!

Lesser Santa: Oh candy canes!

Merry Christmas 🙂

Ellespeth  ♥

When The Mercury Goes Up – Flash Fiction

Time again for Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers.   Thank you, PJ, for sponsoring this and for all of your hard work on our behalf.  Please follow lil froggy for more stories.

This week’s photo prompt is provided by Michelle DeAngelis. Thank you Michelle!

Here is the photograph and my story…Since my husband and I will be grandparents soon,  I must have baby on the brain 😛

When The Mercury Goes Up

Dad was calling for me from the catamaran. Our deep-sea fishing customers were ready to catch some Atlantic bluefin tuna,  but I couldn’t take my arms from around Charlotte’s waist.

“Catch a big ole fat tuna for our supper tonight,” she whispered in my ear.

“I will if you say it again.” I still couldn’t take my arms from around her.

“Catch a big ole fat tuna for our supper tonight,” Charlotte whispered again.

“Not that.  ” I nuzzled against her neck.  Inhaled everything sweet in my life.

“Oh! You mean the part where I just told you I’m pregnant?” she asked.

I lifted her up and swung her around and put her down gently again. We heard Dad cussing. We were laughing and whooping.



(w/c 122)

Evident Is Relevant – A Story Poem

Time again for Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers. This week’s photo prompt is provided by Yarnspinnerr. Thank you Yarnspinnerr!Please click lil froggy for other stories.

Here is the photo and my entry:

Evident Is Relevant

The moment was buttery
like a croissant
like a java jolt
and the air
thick all around the table between us.

The setting was white
like a barista’s heart
drawn bright
and feathered upon
the stillness.

Let’s not dwell on this.
How hard it was to lose you.

I should have seen
the no entry signs
before you left.

Another moment
slipped away
between words I wouldn’t hear.


w/c 76

An Afternoon After School – Flash Fiction

Time again for Flash Fiction for Aspiring WritersThis week’s photo prompt is provided by Yinglan. Thank you Yinglan!  Please click lil froggy for other stories.

Here is the photo and my entry for this week.

An Afternoon After School

I was a young girl then.

Each day, after school, I walked to my father’s shoe store and sat in the storage room and did my homework. I dreamed about my future.

The day Father received the red shoes, she appeared. My brothers rushed to serve her and compliment her. All the colors in the room were muted. Even her lovely silk dress and the noise of time passing were muted.

“I will take these red shoes,” the lady said.  She kicked up her heel and smiled down at my younger brother.

He offered to box and bag them for her.

“Thank you,  but no,” she said. “I want to wear them now. You can send these old shoes to me later.”

I think her lips were red, too. Her skin was like ivory. Her voice soft and sweet – just as I imagined mine would be one day.


The Yarnspinners – A Love Poem

Time again for Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers.    Thanks to PJ for hosting our gathering and to Yarnspinner for our photograph.    Please click lil froggy for other stories.

Here is the photo and my entry for this week.  It came as a poem again…

The Yarnspinners

I look back on it all as though that life
stitched together
by the frailest of yarns
meant something in the long run

the safest I ever felt
was in your arms
nestled deep under the downy comforts
just before sleep
when you told me stories
about love winning

where kisses
and hugs
surrounded our lives.


When Mysteries Were Exciting – Flash Fiction

Time again for Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers.    Thanks to PJ for hosting our gathering and to our mysterious photographer.  Please click lil froggy for other stories.

Here is the photo and my entry for this week:

When Mysteries Were Exciting

We sit here again. Each in a downy winged back chair. Just in front of the french windows. Outside lies the village. It is neither large nor small. A facade of walls behind which private moments, such as these, unfold.  The scent of kumquat blossoms drifts into the room.

You: Tell me the story behind your eyes just now.

Me: Mysteries used to be exciting.

It is the noon hour. A bright sun struggles its way into the alley’s curves and blind spots.

You: Was that recently?

Me: Do you mean the mysterious or the exciting?

You: Either.

Me: Oh! That was very long ago.
