Over The Fence A Loudness – Prose

So I’m not sure how this will work as it includes links and all but…this is a 100 word piece of fiction (100 words exactly are required I think).  It is submitted for ‘Friday Fictioneers’ It is using the photo below.  I hope I have done this correctly.  100 words of fiction based on this photo prompt:

PHOTO PROMPT Copyright – Erin Leary

Over The Fence A Loudness

One night came a loudness from over the fence and through the air.   Into our window it floated. The sound woke my sister.  Like a boom had come to her ears.  I comforted her back to sleep again.

Next morning we learned it.  All the little children had been killed and all that had saved us was that bloody broken fence Pa meant to fix just yesterday.

Days later, in the misty morning’s chill, someone close cried over graves of those she’d taken.  And all the gods that were, another distant misty morning, did dance upon her evil grave.


That Thrill of Swooning – Poem for a Prompt

There’s a random prompt going on over at:  http://neverendingstorydepository.wordpress.com/2014/04/23/random-prompt/  Prompt is:  the first time.  I think I’ve finished my entry.  Goes like this:

That Thrill of Swooning
Perhaps my belt
was cinched a bit too tightly
or afternoons in July
down South
are just too hot and humid
and ripe.
I can’t be sure exactly
what is was
about the first time
I felt your arms around me
– your lips close enough to kiss.
Even the salty breeze was breathless.


The Big Bad (A Poem)

There is a lovely prompt going on at:


where one is encouraged to make the wolf the victim.  It’s asking for flash fiction but…I’ve written this.  I may submit it.  Please pop on over with your own submission!

The Big Bad

He loved her
as though time had stood still.
But time hadn’t stood still.
It raged on
like a flood of droplets
onto and down and over
the roof
into the gutters of love.
She loved him
too much
to bring his roof down.
He loved her too much
to know the difference.
And so they lived
and ever after.

Once When You Held Me (Poem for a Childhood Prompt)

Once When You Held Me – for my Father

Where are you? Once
you held me in the palm of your hand.
You whispered mysterious
incantations and spells
against all the unexplained
and unknown.
Where are you now
–  now
when I want explanations
and I want to know?
How dare you leave me
with so many
unanswered questions?
I don’t care if you are dead.
That’s no excuse.
