That Night In October – Fiction

Time again for Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers So grateful to PJ for hosting this weekly challenge.  Please follow little froggy for more stories.

Here is this week’s photograph  and my story:

ffaw-bridgeThat Night In October

After a lifetime of problematic decisions, I sat here at his bedside.  My one perfect choice.

We held hands and gazed at each other.  Sometimes he smiled at me.

“What are you smiling about?”  I asked.

“You always say you like the way my face brightens up when I smile,” he replied.

“I didn’t mean you have to smile when you’re dying.”

“It doesn’t hurt,” he assured me later.  So him.  Wondering how to soothe me.

And we spoke back and forth this way until he passed to the other side.   I wanted to run after him.  I watched him cross over.


This week’s photo prompt is provided by Joy Pixley. Thank you Joy!

31 thoughts on “That Night In October – Fiction

  1. One perfect choice in a lifetime of problematic decisions — that really hit me. How it can come down to that, and being sure, finally, that this is the right thing. Sad story, but heartening, too. Love is strong that way.


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