Over The Fence A Loudness – Prose

So I’m not sure how this will work as it includes links and all but…this is a 100 word piece of fiction (100 words exactly are required I think).  It is submitted for ‘Friday Fictioneers’ It is using the photo below.  I hope I have done this correctly.  100 words of fiction based on this photo prompt:

PHOTO PROMPT Copyright – Erin Leary

Over The Fence A Loudness

One night came a loudness from over the fence and through the air.   Into our window it floated. The sound woke my sister.  Like a boom had come to her ears.  I comforted her back to sleep again.

Next morning we learned it.  All the little children had been killed and all that had saved us was that bloody broken fence Pa meant to fix just yesterday.

Days later, in the misty morning’s chill, someone close cried over graves of those she’d taken.  And all the gods that were, another distant misty morning, did dance upon her evil grave.


33 thoughts on “Over The Fence A Loudness – Prose

  1. Well done, Ellespeth! Your story is eerie, a bit frightening in the way that I would wrap my shawl a little tighter around me, but not so much that I would have nightmares. Thank goodness for that fence 🙂


  2. The old-fashioned language gave a different feel to your story and you left so much open that we could wonder about and use our imaginations to flesh out. Welcome to the Fictioneers and I hope to read you again next week.



  3. Welcome to the Fictioneers! I really enjoyed your story, which was almost poetic in its olde-worlde language. There’s so much mystery here, so many things to ponder, but I loved that about it and I look forward to reading more from you in the future.


    • I’m happy that you’ve enjoyed this piece and appreciate your kind comment. I’m certainly glad it was limited to 100 words because I was getting sort of nervous that I wouldn’t make it. Thanks again and for passing by my blog.


  4. Welcome to Friday Fictioneers! What a lovely piece! It has the magical and moody feel of dark fantasy, and a satisfying ending to convey a sense of justice. Very well done.


    • Thank you, Jan. It had no idea writing 100 words would turn out so spooky…I usually write love poems so this was fun and different. I’m happy you enjoyed it and appreciate your visit and comment.


    • Thanks! I do appreciate your comment and visit to my blog. Sorry for the delay in my response. Your comment was in my Spam folder. Glad to have found it! Until next time…Ellespeth


    • Thank you for reading my work and for your comment! I do appreciate this. I will spend some time reading blogs this afternoon and shall make a point to visit yours.
      Thanks again…


  5. Dear Ellespeth,

    Thank goodness for Pa’s broken fence. Intriguing piece.

    Welcome to Friday Fictioneers. Warning, it’s habit forming. Those who start find it very hard to stop.




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